Henry Steele BURGIN Page 18-19 of Descendants of Captain Henry Woodward
Grandma Burgin's 80'th Birthday

It was our great pleasure to be at the home of J.S.H. BURGIN, Lorraine, on Nov. 3, on the occasion of the 80th birthday of our dear old mother, Mrs. Barbara Jane BURGIN.

The following relatives were present; her brothers, David O. WOODWARD, late of Lee County, Virginia, and George F. WOODWARD, of McFall, Missouri, her sisters, Mrs. Rhoda MUNCEY and Susan BURGIN, and the latter's husband Dennis BURGIN, the latter three of near Brooklyn; brother-in-law Ezekiel HOBBS and wife, of Fagleville, Chas. H. BURGIN, M.D., and wife, of Bethany; Henry BURGIN and wife of Ridgeway; H.S. BURGIN and son, Rev. S.H.C. BURGIN, of Kansas City.

The hostess, Mrs. J.H. BURGIN, prepared such a dinner as is not only peculiar to herself and her husband, but such a one as we have rarely enjoyed in our existence, and which very few in any neighborhood can equal.

Many and varied presents were heaped upon this dearly beloved old mother.

This saintly woman was born in the Cumberland Valley, Lee County, Old Virginia, 30 miles northeast of Cumberland Gap, in 1818. She was the daughter of Henry and Elizabeth, the ancestors of whom emigrated from England about 200 years ago.

She and her husband, Rev. S.W. BURGIN and three boys, Flannery, Herschel, and Henry, emigrated to Virginia Grove, near Brooklyn, Harrison County, Missouri, forty-six years ago about the first of December next. Lived there one year and then settled at Indian Grave, near the center of the county, where they lived until Nov. 1877, when the husband and father died, and was buried on the old farm, adjoining Lorraine, where they lived so long.

She lived at the old house until March 1886, when H.S. BURGIN sold his farm and moved to Manasas City, since which time she has lived alternately with her three boys.

This dear mother has passed through all the hardships and vicissitudes of a pioneer life. Her sojourn has been noted for charity, integrity, industry, great fortitude in all trials and a strictly Godly and self-sacrificing life. Never have I seen such a courageous, wise and far seeing adviser.

Dear mother is just now on the borderland of a haven of rest and glory. Yes, Rest! What a precious word! No more heartaches; no more tears; no sighing. Soon shall she live forever 'mid the songs and praises of the redeemed, with her dear Savior whom she has allowed for nearly eighty years.

May God help us all to live closer to Him, that the prayers and exhortations of our beloved and honored mother may be answered and we again live under her holy and Godly influence beyond this vale of tears.

Her Youngest, Erring But Loving Son,
Henry Steele BURGIN