Descendants of Captain Henry WOODWARD


675. Jesse Marion WOODWARD

From: nancy hyden woodward <>
Jesse Marion Woodward did NOT die in Cleveland, Ohio on April 15, 1933. He died IN Paris, France.

Dorothy KYLE

From: nancy hyden woodward <>
My mother, Dorothy Kyle Woodward, married Wylie Brown, four years after my father's death. He died in May 1960. She died Aug 1, 1984.


SOURCE: From: nancy hyden woodward <>

There were three children in our family: myself, born Oct 19, 1925 in Garches, France; Susan, born Sept. 30, 1927 in Paris and David, born Nov. 30, 1928 in Paris.

My sister Susan married Waclaw Lednicki in 1949 and divorced him, seven years later.